Thanks for your patience!

Thanks for your patience!.

Your tenth clue…

Your tenth clue….

What would happen to ME?

What would happen to ME?.

Thank you God…someone who sees what I see…

Thank you God…someone who sees what I see….

Your eighth clue…

Your eighth clue….

He really wants to go back?

He really wants to go back?.

Thank you for following THE SPIRITS TO MOVE

THE SPIRITS TO MOVE would like to thank all the devoted followers.

However, we will be taking some extended leave of absence and not sure when post will begin again.


Again, THANK YOU for your support.

Thursday Thriller

Make sure you know what you are buying.  Don’t let little hidden surprises attach themselves to your purchase agreement.  Work with a group that has your interest top of the list.  Contact the Gylling Group today for more information how we can help.

Wednesday Wisdom…

To be a great leader and so always master of the situation,

one must of necessity have been a great thinker in action. 

An eagle was never yet hatched from a goose’s egg.

~James Thomas

Tuesday Talk…

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